Our program operates three days per week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) for 2.5 hours each day.
Children entering in September must be 3 by December 31st, while those turning 3 before the end of March are welcome to start in January.
Please note that the morning class primarily accommodates 3-year-olds, while the afternoon class is geared toward 4-year-olds.
For the 2025/2026 school year starting in September, class times are as follows: AM classes from 9:15am-11:45am and PM classes from 12:45pm-3:15pm.
Open House
Open House for Prospective Families: January 18th 2025 9am-1pm
We are excited to invite you and your child to meet the teachers, explore the space, and chat with current students and parents about what makes ULP so special. Swing by at 10am to enjoy a singalong with Music Ryan!
Our virtual open house is viewable anytime to help give you a feel for our preschool.
You can also view our Instagram and Facebook pages for more insight to our daily activities.
For the 2025/2026 school year, monthly fees are $310 which includes tuition of $295 and an optional $15 monthly snack fee.
To secure your child’s place, a registration payment of $400 is required, comprising a non-refundable registration fee of $90 and a non-refundable tuition deposit equivalent to one month’s fees ($310). This deposit will be applied to June 2026 tuition.
Tuition remains consistent for both AM and PM programs, and ULP participates in the CCFRI program, allowing a reduced monthly fee.
We operate an optional snack program ($15 per month). Currently, all families registered at ULP have chosen to participate in the snack program. Families not participating in the snack program are required to provide nutritious snacks twice a month for the entire class under the guidance provided by our teachers.
A $75 cleaning deposit is collected, which is refundable at the end of the year if your family participates in the annual clean-up day.
For Childcare Subsidy information, please refer to the subsidy info section below.
How to Register
Registration for the 2024/25 preschool year is now open. Simply complete our REGISTRATION FORM to join our community in September 2024. The password for the form is ULP2024
Registration Procedure
1. If you are interested in immediate or September enrolment, please add your child’s name to our online Registration Update List. If you are on this list, a parent volunteer will contact you with information about registration dates, availability and to answer questions about our program.
Registration for September classes begin in January.
The link to register and all the details will be sent in an email early January of each year.
2. Once we are able to offer you a space in our preschool, you will be given instructions as to how to complete the online Registration Form. In addition to a Registration Form, we will require the above-noted registration fee and tuition deposit to confirm enrolment. If we do not have a space available for your child in your class of choice, you will have the option to be placed on a waitlist. There is no cost to be added to our waitlist.
3. You can pay your Registration Payment via e-transfer to (include your child’s full name in the message section) or by cheque. Cheques should be made out to Upper Lonsdale Preschool. Once your payment has been received your child’s spot is confirmed. Submission of post-dated tuition cheques and detailed registration forms will be required before the school year begins.
Childcare Subsidy
Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI)
The CCFRI is a provincially funded subsidy program that reduces the cost of registered preschools and child care to all BC families regardless of income status. Upper Lonsdale Preschool is registered in the Child Care fee Reduction Initiative and parents do not need to apply as the reduction is already reflected in our preschool fees.
Affordable Child Care Benefit (ACCB)
ULP is a licensed preschool. If your family household income is under $111K yearly your family may be eligible for a subsidy to assist with a portion of the preschool tuition fees through the ACCB. Families must apply directly with the BC Government and renew yearly.
Withdrawal Policy
If it becomes necessary for a family to withdraw a child in the school year, the family must provide one month’s written notice on the 1st of the preceding month (i.e. November 1st notice for December 1st withdrawal) to either the Head Teacher or Enrolment parent. All post- dated cheques will be returned. If any child is withdrawn after January 31st, fees for the balance of the year may be forfeited, at the discretion of executive.